Industrial Engineering Department Sustainable Economics Research Group: S.E.R.G.
ResearchThe S.E.R.G. deals with research in economics and management: assessment of innovations, including their economic impacts on organizations and the societies, with a particular focus on eco-innovations and ecological transition, for the two critical sectors of mobility and energy. Sustainable Economy is articulated around three primary directions: •Economics and Management of Innovation. This first direction deals with the evolution of technical progress and the effectiveness of organizations. We seek a better understanding of economic agents’ decisions regarding investment and innovation, their microeconomic impacts on firms’ growth, the organization of production, and operational effi ciency. This research is conducted using optimization methods, econometric studies, as well as case and fi eld studies. •Economics and Management of Mobility. This second direction deals with decarbonated mobility (research chair PSA), autonomous electric shuttles (H2020 pro-ject), mobility as a service (MaaS), as well as with the links with the electricity market (i.e., hybrid energy market = electricity + transportation) through the challenges of electric storage (electricity storage/unloading solutions through electric vehicles). This research is conducted using techno-economic studies, econome-tric methods, and strategic analyses, notably innovative business models on sustainable mobility. •Economics and Management of Energy. This third direction deals with renewable and nuclear energies, carbon capture and storage (CCS), intending to reach the decarbonization of the energy mix and the economy’s carbon neutrality (with RTE, CEA, for example). In this perspective, energy effi ciency and the regulation of the markets, including from a social justice perspective (redistributive effects of the carbon taxation, for example), tied to the energy transition are studied. This direction develops research methods in techno-economics, forecasting and prospective analysis, and analyses of global value chains. Useful link:Sustainable Economics Research Group Contacts:
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