The group works in the following research domains:

> Text processing algorithms

> Automata, coding, and symbolic dynamics

> Algorithm for bioinformatic

> Languages and programming, Real Time

> Protocols Architecture and Software for Networks

The two first domains are strongly related by the nature of the methods that are used, namely theory of automata and combinatorics on words. They constitute a research field that may be called symbolic signal processing. The applications of this field are data compression, constraint channel coding, and more generally all problems concerned with algorithms on sequences of symbols.

The computational genomics research group is concerned with algorithmic and statistical treatment of sequences of molecules viewed as sequences of symbols, and also on recent topics of interest as comparative genomics and interaction networks.

Language and programming research group is concerned with development and implementation of algorithms for programming language. These works rely on development using Java. Real-time algorithm are studied with Java Real Time implementation. Another theme concerns the adaptation of algorithms for language recognition to produce modular and efficient parsers that can be embedded in servers.

Protocols Architecture and Software for Networks research group focuses on the development of new communication protocols dedicated to dynamic wired and wireless networks. Moreover, the implementation of a new network architecture and software is one of the main goals of PasNet.