The activities of the Department of Data and rAndomness: Theory and Applications (D.A.T.A.) are centered around probability, statistics, financial mathematics and image and signal processing. The Department is constituted of 5 research teams.
- ASAR (Applied Statistics And Reliability, since February 2019)
- DAO (Optimization and learning for Data Science, since December 2015)
- IPS (Inference and Stochastic Processes, since January 2011)
- STATIFY (Bayesian and extreme value statistical models for structured and high dimensinal data, INRIA team, since April 2020)
- SVH (Statistics for Life and Human Sciences, since July 2015)
Former teams:
- AI (Artificial Intelligence, from Octobre 2007 until December 2010)
- FIGAL (Reliability and random geometry, from January 2011 until January 2019)
- MATHFI (Financial mathematics until December 2013)
- MISTIS (Modelling and Inference of Complex and Structured Stochastic Systems, INRIA team, until March 2020)
- MS3 (Statistical methodology and social sciences, until June 2018)
- SAGAG (Statistique Appliquée et de Géométrie Aléatoire de Grenoble, until December 2010)
- SAM (Statistics and Machine Learning, from January 2011 until November 2015)
- SF&S (Statistique Fonctionnelle & Sondages, until December 2010)
- SMS (Statistique et Modélisation Stochastique, until December 2010)