The lab activity focuses on the use of signal processing techniques to tackle satellite navigation and positioning problems. It mainly targets Civil Aviation applications, but also investigates other fields such as personal and vehicular positioning in challenging environments such as urban canyons. This activity is carried out through research work as well as through expert engineering consultancy and tackles almost all aspects of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology:

        GNSS for Civil Aviation - this activity is the core SIGNAV research activity,

        GNSS signal design,

        Navigation in challenging environment

        GNSS software receiver technologies


The main research topics are detailed in the "Research Topics" page.

The Lab members take an active role in the signal processing and GNSS education activities at ENAC (lectures, tutorials and lab work) for training of ENAC student engineers and 'Master of Science in GNSS' students as well as for 'Advanced Master' program students ('Masterès Spécialisés') and on-the-job trainees. The different teaching topics are detailed in the "Teaching Topics" page.

For more information, you can visit the lab's website: