\\ --------------- GP code ------------------------------------------------------------ \\ Library for the program Bianchi.gp \\ \\ Description: Compute the quotient of Hyperbolic Space by PSL_2 of imaginary \\ quadratic number fields \\ \\ \\ Author: Alexander D. Rahm \\ \\ Copyright (C) 2010 by Alexander D. Rahm. \\ Bianchi.gp is a free software covered by the GNU General Public License. \\ Version 1.0.0 of October 29th, 2010. \\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- deleteSpheresBelow( preliminaryMu:list, preliminaryLambda:list, MuNumber:list, everywhere_below:list) = { /* Remove preliminary hemispheres which are everywhere below some hemisphere already in the list. */ local(MU:list,LAMBDA:list, sphere_center, invertedNormSquareOfMU, distanceSquare, a,b,c); MU = listcreate(numberOfSpheres); LAMBDA = listcreate(numberOfSpheres); sphere_center = vector( length( preliminaryLambda)); invertedNormSquareOfMU = vector( length( preliminaryLambda)); print("Removing everywhere below ones amongst ", length(preliminaryLambda)," hemispheres..."); /* Precompute sphere center and radius. */ for (k:small = 1, length(preliminaryLambda), if (everywhere_below[k] == 0, sphere_center[k] = nfeltdiv(K, preliminaryLambda[k],preliminaryMu[MuNumber[k]]); invertedNormSquareOfMU[k] = 1/norm(nfbasistoalg(K,preliminaryMu[MuNumber[k]])); ); ); /* Perform the inner loop of Algorithm 2. */ for (k:small = 1, length(preliminaryLambda), j = 1; while ( everywhere_below[k] == 0 && j <= length(Lambda), if ( deleteFlag[j] == 0, distanceSquare = norm(nfbasistoalg(K,sphere_center[k] -sphereCenter[j])); /* Check if invertedNormOfMU[k] +distance <= radius[j]. Let */ a = invertedNormSquareOfMU[k]; b = distanceSquare; c = radiusSquare[j]; /* The condition sqrt(a) +sqrt(b) < sqrt(c) is equivalent to */ /* 4*a*b < (c -a -b)^2 && a +b < c, because a, b, c > 0. */ if( 4*a*b < (c -a -b)^2 && a +b < c, everywhere_below[k] = 1; ); j++; ); ); ); everywhere_below }; {addhelp(deleteSpheresBelow,"Remove preliminary hemispheres which are everywhere below some hemisphere already in the list.")}; /* end of the function deleteSpheresBelow */ computeLine(j,k) = { local(A,v, PositionVector,DirectionVector, Return, centerdifference); A = matrix(2,2); centerdifference = sphereCenter[neighbours[j]:list[k]] -sphereCenter[j]; if (mIs3mod4, A[1,1] = 2*component( centerdifference, 1) -component( centerdifference,2); A[1,2] = (m+1)/2 *component( centerdifference, 2) -component( centerdifference,1); , /* Else m not congruent 3 mod 4: */ A[1,1] = 2*component( centerdifference, 1); A[1,2] = m*2*component( centerdifference, 2); ); v = norm(nfbasistoalg(K,sphereCenter[neighbours[j]:list[k]])) - norm(nfbasistoalg(K,sphereCenter[j])) -radiusSquare[neighbours[j]:list[k]] + radiusSquare[j]; if( A[1,1] == 0 && A[1,2] == 0, if ( v == 0, print("Accident: The two hemispheres ",j," and ", neighbours[j]:list[k], " are identic!"); ,/* else */ print("One hemisphere completely covers the other one"); ); ,/* else */ numberOfLines = numberOfLines +1; if (A[1,2] == 0, PositionVector = [v/A[1,1],0]~ ; DirectionVector = [0,1]~; /* line equation x= v/A[1,1] */ ,/* Else, not a vertical line, as A[1,2] is nonzero: */ /* line equation y = v/A[1,2] -(A[1,1]/A[1,2])*x */ PositionVector = [0,v/A[1,2]]~ ; DirectionVector = [1,-A[1,1]/A[1,2]]~; ); ); Return = [PositionVector, DirectionVector]; Return }; /* end of the function computeLine. */ intersectLines(j:small,k:small,r:small) = { local( determinant, xi, direction_k, position_k, direction_r, position_r); direction_k = component( linesOfSphere[j]:list[k], 2); position_k = component( linesOfSphere[j]:list[k], 1); direction_r = component( linesOfSphere[j]:list[r], 2); position_r = component( linesOfSphere[j]:list[r], 1); determinant = -component(direction_k,1) *component(direction_r,2) +component(direction_k,2) *component(direction_r,1); if (determinant != 0, /* If the two lines have different slope, compute pointAtIntersection. */ xi = 1/determinant * (-component(direction_r,2) *component(position_r-position_k,1) +component(direction_r,1) *component(position_r-position_k,2) ); , /* else the two lines are parallel and have no intersection point. */ /* We then return a vector which is surely outside the base rectangle. */ position_k = [99,99]~; ); /* Return pointAtIntersection = */ position_k+xi*direction_k }; /* end of function intersectLines */ compareSides(printedgesonscreen=0) = { local( edge, edgesCheckList1:list, edgesCheckList2:list, cancelCriterion); edgesCheckList1 = listcreate(2*numberOfLines); edgesCheckList2 = listcreate(2*numberOfLines); for (j = 1, numberOfSpheres, if( deleteFlag[j] == 0, if( printedgesonscreen == 1, print("Cell ",j," lies on the hemisphere with center at ", nfeltdiv(K,Lambda[j],Mu[j]) ); print(" with radius square ", radiusSquare[j], " and has the following edges:"); ); for( s = 1, length( pointsOfLine[j]), edge = setintersect(Set(pointsOfLine[j][s]), Set(pointsOfSphere[j])); if(length(edge) == 2, if(printedgesonscreen == 1, print(edge); ); if( setsearch(Set(edgesCheckList1),edge), if(setsearch(Set(edgesCheckList2),edge), if (printedgesonscreen == 1, print("***Error in function compareSides: triple edge in cell diagram"); ); , listput(edgesCheckList2,edge); ); , /* else not yet entered in edgesCheckList1 */ listput(edgesCheckList1,edge); ); ); if(length(edge) > 2, print("***Error in function compareSides: edge with three corners"); ); ); ); ); if(Set(edgesCheckList1) == Set(edgesCheckList2), print("All ", length(edgesCheckList1), " = ", length(edgesCheckList2)," edges appear twice."); if( length(edgesCheckList1) > 3, cancelCriterion = 1 , cancelCriterion = 0; ); , /* else some edges don't appear twice. */ print("Some edges don't appear twice:"); print(setminus(Set(edgesCheckList1),Set(edgesCheckList2))); ); listkill(edgesCheckList1); listkill(edgesCheckList2); /* Return */ cancelCriterion }; {addhelp(compareSides,"Prints the edge data if You call this as compareSides(1).");} /* end of function compareSides. */ findUnitSphere(Center) = { local( indexOfUnitSphere); /* Find the unit hemisphere with center "Center". */ indexOfUnitSphere = 1; while ( sphereCenter[indexOfUnitSphere] != Center, indexOfUnitSphere++; if( indexOfUnitSphere > numberOfSpheres, error("indexOfUnitSphere out of range. Compare vector sphereCenter and function findUnitSphere"); ); ); /* Return the number of the found unit hemisphere: */ indexOfUnitSphere }; /* end of function findUnitSphere */ estimateLimit() = { /* Estimate the inferior limit for the hemisphere radius, */ /* which is the reciprocal of the square of */ /* the height of the lowest proper vertex of the fundamental domain. */ /* If this estimation is not precise, it will be corrected in the below while loop. */ /* Then the program will take more computation time. */ local(limit); limit = vector(427); limit[1] = 1; limit[2] = 4; limit[3] = 1; limit[5] = 25; limit[6] = 34; limit[7] = 1; limit[10] = 66; limit[11] = 6; limit[13] = 86; limit[14] = 108; limit[15] = 17; limit[17] = 134; limit[19] = 10; limit[21] = 192; limit[22] = 226; limit[23] = 18; limit[26] = 300; limit[29] = 342; limit[30] = 386; limit[31] = 30; limit[32] = 177; limit[33] = 1091; limit[34] = 482; limit[35] = 41; limit[36] = 226; limit[37] = 534; limit[38] = 588; limit[39] = 49; limit[41] = 646; limit[43] = 22; limit[47] = 49; limit[51] = 64; limit[55] = 86; limit[58] = 1282; limit[59] = 39; limit[67] = 34; limit[68] = 134; limit[71] = 93; limit[79] = 95; limit[83] = 49; limit[87] = 121; limit[91] = 100; limit[95] = 121; limit[103] = 85; limit[107] = 121; limit[111] = 177; limit[115] = 144; limit[123] = 209; limit[159] = 495; limit[163] = 82; limit[167] = 739; limit[187] = 209; limit[235] = 324; limit[267] = 801; limit[403] = 484; limit[427] = 576; if( m <= 427 && limit[m] > 0, limit = limit[m]; /* Pick the value based on computational experience, */ , /* else use an estimation formula, based on extrapolation of the above values: */ if ( mIs3mod4 == 0, /* m not congruent to 3 mod 4 */ /* discriminant = -4m */ limit = 21*m*classNumber -19*m; , /* else m congruent 3 mod 4 */ /* discriminant = -m */ limit = 5*m*classNumber/2 -2*m +1/2; ); ); if( m == 571, limit = 1200); /* Return the estimated limit for m: */ limit }; /* end of function estimateLimit */ Get_minimal_proper_vertex_heightsquare() = { local( minzetasquare, z, zetasquare); minzetasquare = 1; for (j = 1, length(totalPointSet), z = component(eval(totalPointSet[j]),1); zetasquare = component(eval(totalPointSet[j]),2); if ( /* z not singular */ setsearch(Set(singularpoint),z,1), if ( minzetasquare > zetasquare, minzetasquare = zetasquare; ); if (zetasquare == 0, print("***Error in function Get_minimal_proper_vertex_heightsquare: Hideous singular vertex at ", eval(totalPointSet[j])); ); ); ); /* Return */ minzetasquare }; /* end of function Get_minimal_proper_vertex_heightsquare(). */ increaseWithinNormsOfIntegers( mufixsquare) = { local(F); /* Construct Set(F) to contain the norms of the elements of the ring of integers. */ if( mIs3mod4, F = vecsort( concat( Vec( matrix( 2*round(sqrt(m))+3, m+3, n, j, (j-1)^2 -(j-1)*(n-1) +((n-1)^2)*(1+m)/4 )))); , /* else */ F = vecsort( concat( Vec( matrix( round(sqrt(m))+3, m+3, n, j, ((n-1)^2)*m+(j-1)^2)))); ); mufixsquare++; /* Increase mufixsquare until it meets an element of Set(F). */ while( setsearch( Set(F), mufixsquare) == 0, mufixsquare++; if ( mufixsquare > vecmax(F), error("mufixsquare out of range. Function increaseWithinNormsOfIntegers needs to be adapted."); ); ); /* Return */ mufixsquare }; /* end of function increaseWithinNormsOfIntegers .*/