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!. The, !. Me, and !. Furusawa, ! In! this! study,! W tot ! during! sprinting! was! estimated! by! calculating! the! propelling! force! (i.! e.! 0.7! multiplied!by!body!mass!and,!subsequently!by!distance),!while!energy!cost!was!estimated!by! directly!measuring!oxygen!uptake!during!the!recovery!period.!Using!this!method,!Furusawa!et! al.![11]! reported!ME r ! values!of!35%!to!45%.!Currently,!the!W tot ! accomplished!during!running! locomotion!has!been!estimated!using!kinematic!methods![12].!This!approach!is!based!on!the! theory!that!the!changes!in!kinetic!and!potential!energy!resulting!in!W tot !(the!time!integral!of! mechanical!power)![4].! Various!physiological!and!morphological!factors,!such!as!VO 2max ![13],!AT![4],!cost!of!running! (C r )! [14]! and! body! weight! [15],! have! been! proven! to! influence! ME r ! and,! consequently,! numerous! investigations! that! focus! on! these! dynamic! parameters! have! been! published.! Likewise,! mechanical! factors,! such! as! W int ! and! W ext, 1927.

!. Minetti, !. , !. W. , !. Me, !. et al., ! However,!despite!the!fact!that!the!impact!that!ME r !has!on!running!performance!has!been! recognized!since!the!1920s,!the!relationships!between!mechanical!work,!specifically!W int !and! W ext ,! and! ME r ! in! longTdistance! running! athletes! has! been! poorly! examined.! Similarly,! the! effects! of! body! size! and! anaerobic! contribution! on! the! relationship! between! C r ! and! ME r ,! consequently! running! performance,! remains! relatively! ignored! in! existing! scientific! literature! compared! to! other! performance! factors,! in! particular,! (1)! a! high! value! of! VO 2max ;! (2)! a! high! fraction! of! VO 2max ,! which! can! be! sustained! throughout! the! competition;! and! (3)! a! better! RE! [18].! Authors! tried! to! demonstrate! that! an! indiscriminate! use! of! the! unit! ml . kg T1. min T1 ! is! inappropriate! for! the! purposes! of! comparing! RE! between! subjects! with! different! body! characteristics![19]!or!performance!level![20],!and!suggested!the!use!of!kg 0.75 !or!kg b ,!were!b!is! the! allometric! or! specific! allometric! exponent.! In! addition,! an! estimate! of! anaerobic! energy! Allometry and performance in distance runners 82" expenditure!should!be!considered!in!the!computation!of!metabolic!power!when!determining! ME r ![4].! Therefore,! to! achieve! a! better! understanding! of! the! relationships! between! ME r ! and! longT distance!running!performance,!we!analyzed!the!influence!of!mechanical!work!and!C r !on!ME r !on! longTdistance!runners,!both!morphologically!and!metabolically.!Our!hypothesis!was!that!ME r ,! morphologically! independent,! is! overestimated! with! the! exclusion! of! anaerobic! energy! expenditure! and,! consequently,! the! relationship! between! ME r ! and! longTdistance! running! performance!is!modified!during!treadmill!running.!Furthermore,!recent!indirect!evidence!that! energy! is! partly! conserved! in! human! running! thanks! to! an! elastic! bounce! of! the! body! [21]! allows! us! believe! that! the! ME r ! is! strongly! influenced! by! the! mechanical! work,! particularly! external! mechanical! work.! We! hypothesized! that! the! greater! ratio! mechanical! work/energy! expenditure,!ME r ,!ascribed!to!major!amount!of!elastic!energy!stored!and!high!economy,!would! be!related!to!a!better!performance!in!longTdistance!running!performance

!. Anthropometric, !. Scales, !. , !. , !. Urano et al., !while!the!runners!wore!minimal!clothing.!The! percentage!of!body!fat!was!calculated!using!the!Siri!equation![22].!Subjects!were!familiarized!!METABOLIC!DATA! ! For! each! session! of! treadmill! running,! metabolic! power! (in! J . s T1 )! was! obtained! while! considering! contributions! from! both! aerobic! (AE;! from! VO 2max )! and! anaerobic! (AnE;! from! accumulated! O 2 Tdeficit)! energy! expenditure! as! described! in! detail! by! Reis! and! Carneiro! [23]!

!. W. , !. , !. W. , E. Okinawa, . Japan et al., !France)!was!used!to!perform!signal! processing.!A!lowTpass!Butterworth!filter!was!used!with!automatic!cutToff!frequency!selection! for!each!marker.!The!range!of!cutToff!frequencies!was!8!to!11!Hz.!Linear!and!angular!velocity!of! each! segment! and! linear! velocity! of! body! centre! of! mass! was! determined! by! numerical! differentiation.!Values!for!segment!mass,!centre!of!mass!position!and!radius!of!gyration!were! taken!from!standard!tables!that!were!produced!byT1 m T1 )! was! obtained! by! calculating! the! sum! of! W int ! and! W ext ! considering!the!energy!transfer!between!segments![5,!6].!W int !represents!the!work!necessary! to! accelerate! the! limbs! reciprocally! with! respect! to! the! body! centre! of! mass! during! human! locomotion![14]!and!W ext !represents!the!work!necessary!to!lift!and!accelerate!the!body!centre! of!mass!within!the!environment![6].! Positive! W int ! was! computed! using! the! method! presented! by! Cavagna! and! Kaneko! [5].! In! order!to!account!for!the!kinetic!energy!changes!of!the!segments!for!which!the!movements!do! not! affect! the! position! of! the! overall! centre! of! mass! (i.e.! symmetrical! limb! displacements),! König's!theorem!from!mechanics!was!applied.!This!theorem!states!that!the!total!kinetic!energy! (KE)! of! a! multiTlink! system! can! be! divided! into! two! parts:! (a)! the! KE! of! the! segments! arising! knowledge,! no! study! has! examined! the! relationships! between! mechanical! work,! specifically! W int !and!W ext !in!separated,!and!ME r !in!longTdistance!running!athlete,!as!well!as!the!effects!of! body!size!and!anaerobic!contribution!in!ME r !and!running!performance.! The!first!finding!of!this!study!was!an!observed!change!in!the!metabolic!rate!and!body!mass! relationship! as! an! organism! moves! in! maximal! and! submaximal! metabolic! conditions.! In! the! maximal! metabolic! condition,! we! observed! an! allometric! exponent! of! 0.76! and,! in! the! submaximal!condition,!a!b!value!of!0.84.!Similar!scaling!behaviour!of!metabolic!rate!in!athletic! population!was!also!observed!by!Paterson!et!al.![33],!Bergh!et!al.![19]!and!Markovic!et!al.![20],! who! reported! submaximal! metabolic! rate! scales! with! higher! mass! scaling! exponent! than! maximal! metabolic! rate.! These! results! suggest! that! the! cardiovascular! system! of! smaller! athletes!has!a!greater!capacity!to!raise!metabolic!rate!above!those!at!rest,!not!larger!ones,!as! suggested!by!Weibel![34]!and!experimental!results![35,!36].! C r !showed!significant!positive!correlation!with!longTdistance!running!performance,!and!the! allometric!model!did!not!affect!this!relationship.!RE,!which!is!classically!assessed!in!terms!of! the! energy! required! to! run! at! a! given! submaximal! velocity! [37]! or! the! metabolic! energy! expended!per!unit!of!distance![38],!is!an!important!factor!that!can!be!used!to!predict!middleT! and!longTdistance!running!performance![9,!39T42].!According!to!initial!reports!by!Daniels![10],! RE! can! vary! by! more! than! 30%! among! runners! who! have! a! similar! VO 2max ,! and! its! relative! contributions! are! not! affected! by! alterations! to! body! weight! [43,! 44].! However,! a! consensus! has!not!yet!been!reached!on!this!argument.!Bergh,!Sjodin,!Forsberg!and!Svedenhag![19]!found! that!oxygen!consumption!during!running!is!better!related!using!specific!allometric!exponents,! for! example,! kg T¾ ! and! kg T? ,! than! to! kg T1 .! Another! possible! confusing! factor! in! the! use! of! allometric! scaling! to! assess! oxygen! consumption! could! be! due! to! differences! in! aerobic! capacity! among! subjects! (i.e.! untrained! or! moderately! trained! vs.! runners! that! compete! at! a! high! level)! [20].! In! a! recent! study! that! analyzed! the! allometric! relationship! between! oxygen! consumption!(ranging!from!rest!to!maximal!condition)!and!body!mass!in!trained!and!untrained! individuals,!Markovic!et!al.![20]!found!that!the!allometric!model!may!be!useful!as!a!means!of! assessing! oxygen! consumption! in! untrained! individuals,! whereas! it! has! no! effect! on! trained! athletes.! The! mechanical! work,! especially! the! W ext ! and! W tot ,! showed! significant! correlations! with! longTdistance! running! performance,! and! these! relationships! were! affected! by! allometric! model.!Effects! of! body! dimensions! on! mechanical! work! are! probably! due! to! the! influence!of! body! size! on! biomechanical! variables! of! running! technique! [9];! for! example,! the! angle! of! contact!with!the!ground!(i.e.!the!angle!of!the!link!between!the!point!of!contact!and!the!hip,! relative!to!the!vertical)!and!its!relationship!with!the!deceleration!of!the!body!each!step!and,! consequently fact,! runners! with! better! RE! may! present! higher!values!of!mechanical!work!and,!consequently,!better!ME r ![47].! The!relative!contributions!of!energy!release!from!AnE!and!AE!that!were!observed!for!each! percentage! of! vVO 2max ! (Figure! 2)! are! consistent! with! previous! reports! [4,! 48].! Estimating! the! accumulated!O 2 Tdeficit!is!a!noninvasive!indirect!method!of!obtaining!AnE!during!running!bouts! [24]!and!has!been!used!in!the!past!to!determine!AnE!during!brief!exercise!sessions.!While!it!is! acknowledged!that!the!accumulated!O 2 Tdeficit!method!used!in!the!current!study!is!not!without! its!shortcomings,!it!remains!the!best!noninvasive!method!of!quantifying!AnE!during!a!session! of!constantTspeed!exercise![49].! Using!the!proposed!model,!ME r !was!significantly!different!form!50%!vVO 2max !at!the!90%!and! 110%! relative! speeds;! however,! no! other! differences! were! observed! with! respect! to! speed.! The!ME r !values!during!treadmill!running!obtained!within!the!current!investigation!are!similar!in! magnitude!to!those!obtained!in!existing!literature!(~40T75%)![4,!5,!49].!The!maximal!value!of! ME r ! of! the! contracting! muscle! during! locomotion! has! been! considered! to! be! approximately! 30%![47].!The!high!value!of!ME r !(~55T65%)!obtained!in!the!current!study!may!stem!from!the! kinematic!method!applied!in!quantifying!mechanic!power![4].!Nevertheless,!the!contribution! of!AnE!expenditure!cannot!be!overlooked!when!calculating!the!metabolic!power!component!of! treadmill!running!and!likely!other!forms!of!human!locomotion.! The! principal! finding! of! this! study! concerned! the! strong! relationships! between! metabolic! and! mechanical! parameters! and! ME r .! 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