. Notons and . Qu, il est evidemment possible d'utiliser un sch ema de propagation par full-lookahead comme indiqu e pr ec edemment. En eeet, dans le cas de termes non-lin eaires, l'approximation par les intervalles peut ^ etre trop grossi ere

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*. E. Sr1 and C. *. D+10000, A+10, *G, labeling(LD)

%. Ba and #. Aa+ad, disj(Aa,Ad,Ba,Bd):greatereqc(Aa

. Unix, Allows certain interactions with the operating system Under Unix the possible forms of Term are as follows: access(+Path,+Mode) Tests if Mode is the accessability of Path as in the C-function access

. Finally, note that bit-vectors are not dynamic, i.e. all vectors must have the same size (0::vector max) So the use of fd vector max/1 is limited to the initial deenition of vector sizes and must occur before any constraint

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