Formal Techniques for Component-based Design of Embedded Systems - TEL - Thèses en ligne
Accreditation To Supervise Research Year : 2014

Formal Techniques for Component-based Design of Embedded Systems


Embedded systems have become ubiquitous - from avionics and automotive over consumer electronics to medical devices. Failures may entail material damage or compromise safety of human beings. At the same time, shorter product cycles, together with fast growing complexity of the systems to be designed, create a tremendous need for rigorous design techniques. The goal of component-based construction is to build complex systems from simpler components that are well understood and can be (re)used so as to accelerate the design process. This document presents a summary of the formal techniques for component-based design of embedded systems I have (co-)developed.
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tel-01267041 , version 1 (03-02-2016)


  • HAL Id : tel-01267041 , version 1


Gregor Gössler. Formal Techniques for Component-based Design of Embedded Systems. Embedded Systems. Grenoble University, 2014. ⟨tel-01267041⟩
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