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. .. Spouse,

, Is [Name of the head of the business] male or female? Male ?????

?. Female,

, In what solar month and year was

. , With the above-mentioned job, were you: Employer

. Own,

. , Is the establishment where you worked, classified as the household/individual, individual production/business household or belonged to the collective, private, state or foreign investment economic sector? Household/individual

. .. Collective,

. .. Private,

. , at your home or home of client, market/trade center, outdoor fixed place or mobile? Fixed office

.. .. Market/trade-center,

. .. Mobile,

. Aa, What is the highest grade of generalschool that you have achieved?|___?___?? Aa.7. What is the highest certificate that you obtained

, Non diploma/ certificate

, Certificate of Primary education

, Certificate of Lower Secondary

, Secondary School Graduation Certificate

, Secondary School Graduation Certificate in Continuing Education Centers (Bàng Tót Nghiêp Phó Thông Trung Hoc Trung Tam giao duc thuong xuyen)

, College degree (Cao Dang)

, Bachelor degree (Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc)

. Phd, Tiên Sy) 11. Vocational level (Primary /elementary vocational school: one year)(So Cap Nghe) 12. Vocational secondary diploma (Secondary /middle-level vocational school) : 1-2 years

, Trung Cap Nghe) 14. Professional school:3-4 years (grade 9 complete) (Trung Cap Chuyen Nghiep) 15. Professional school:1-2 years (grade 12 complete) (Trung Cap Chuyen Nghiep) 16. Vocational college diploma: 3 years ((graduation of vocational or technical secondary school of different field, pp.3-4

, Vocational college diploma: 1-2 years (graduation of vocational or technical secondary school of the same field

, Vocational college diploma: 2-3 years (Grade 12 complete) (Cao Dang Nghe)

. Ab, In which type of premises (where) do you mainly practice your activity? Two answers are allowed. 1. Walking 2. Improvised post outdoor (on the road, the riverside, empty field ?) 3

, Vehicle/motor bike /bike etc

, Customer's home 6, the house you are living with dedicated room 8. Improvised post in a market 9

, Trung Cap Chuyen Nghiep) 15. Professional school :1-2 years (grade 12 complete) (Trung Cap Chuyen Nghiep) 16. Vocational college diploma : 3 years ((graduation of vocational or technical secondary school of different field

, Vocational college diploma : 1-2 years (graduation of vocational otechnical secondary school of the same field

, Certificate of Primary education

, Certificate of Lower Secondary

, Secondary School Graduation Certificate

, Secondary School Graduation Certificate in Continuing Education Centers (Bàng Tót Nghiêp Phó Thông Trung Hoc Trung Tam giao duc thuong xuyen)

, College degree (Cao Dang)

, Bachelor degree(Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc)

. Phd, Tiên Sy) 11. Vocational level (Primary /elementary vocational school : one year) (So Cap Nghe) 12. Vocational secondary diploma (Secondary /middle-level vocational school) : 1-2 years

, Trung Cap Nghe) 14. Professional school :3-4 years (grade 9 complete) (Trung Cap Chuyen Nghiep) 15. Professional school :1-2 years (grade 12 complete) (Trung Cap Chuyen Nghiep) 16. Vocational college diploma : 3 years ((graduation of vocational or technical secondary school of different field, pp.3-4

, Vocational college diploma : 1-2 years (graduation of vocational otechnical secondary school of the same field

, Other (specify _________________________)

, Don't know