RF Systems
Person in charge:
- BILA Stéphane [stephane.bila@xlim.fr]
EMC and Diffraction
Electronic system increasing and dissemination of electromagnetic sources raise the problem of electromagnetic interferences. Various systems under studied should be treated and need different analysis in some domains as propagation phenomenon, cable coupling, conducting effect, circuit theory, material and composite modelling, low-frequency sea propagation, lightning coupling to high frequency interferences. Besides several numerical analysis methods are needed to solve the strong multi-scale geometry of studied system. Our project aims to explain and to solve these electromagnetic couplings by both theoretical and experimental approaches. For example, the coupling of printed circuit board (PCB) embedded on an airplane with an illumination by transient waves needs to model airplane structure, cable and shielding box of PCB.
The project-team MACAO gathers a dozen of permanent researchers and lecturers from the research Department MINACOM and a dozen of PhD students. Research activities are directed towards the optimized design of microwave and optoelectronic devices and are organized according to 4 research axes:
- Optimization
- Multiphysical analysis
- Specific technologies
- Advanced synthesis