The Plio-Pleistocene silicic magmatism of the Tyrrhenian margin (Central Italy): Timing, Petrogenesis and geodynamic implications.
Le magmatisme acide Plio-Pleistocène de la Marge
Tyrrhénienne (Italie Centrale) : Géochronologie,
Pétrogénèse et Implications Géodynamiques.
The Italian Neogene magmatism is characterized by a large petrological and
geochemical variety, covering almost all the magmatic rocks pattern known worldwide. Most
of the geodynamic models are based upon the recent widespread Quaternary volcanism,
comprising mafic to intermediate lavas. In contrast, the felsic magmatism which corresponds
to the first manifestations of the Tyrrhenian margin is much less voluminous, outcrops
without or with few associated mafic-intermediate rocks, and is less known.
The goals of this thesis are: (1) to precise the age of these manifestations, (2) to better
understand the origin of this magmatism (determinating the sources) and, (3) to insert these
constraints in the general framework of the Italian magmatism and the opening of the
Tyrrhenian Sea. A combined geochronological and petro-geochemical study has thus been
carried out on felsic Tuscan edifices (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada and Amiata) and the Ponza
and Palmarola islands (Pontine Archipelago, Campanian area, Gaeta gulf).
Twenty-five K-Ar datings (Cassignol-Gillot technique) have been performed on the
Ponza and Palmarola islands rocks. The beginning of the volcanic activity of Palmarola has
been dated for the first time at 1.64 ± 0.02 Ma; the obtained Quaternary (Pleistocene) age is in
contradiction with the Pliocene age which was proposed on stratigraphical criteria.
Concerning Ponza, a new rhyolites episode had been recovered at 3.1-2.9 Ma. Between
Pliocene and Pleistocene, the volcanism changed from orogenic calc-alkaline in Ponza to a
transitional magmatism in Palmarola whose chemical signature approaches those of intraplate
alkaline magmatism. This occurred in only 1.3 Ma. A petrogenetic model is proposed for the
magma of Ponza and Palmarola from new mineralogical and isotopic data. It implies
fractional crystallization coupled with more or less strong crustal contamination, from
different mantle liquids.
Accurate and reproducible ages have been obtained for the Tuscan Province edifices
(San Vincenzo, Roccastrada and Amiata). New Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic data confirmed the
hybrid character of Monte Amiata volcano in terms of sources, between the Tuscan and the
Roman provinces. Based on our new ages, we propose a new possible scenario for its
volcanological evolution.
The principal component analysis of the lead isotopic data set of all the studied felsic
manifestations has permitted to identify the two main source components at the origin of these
rocks. The dominant component is mantellic and corresponds to a mixing between DM and
HIMU end-members, while the second is an enriched crustal-derived end-member. The
southernmost felsic rocks (Pontine) show the strongest influence of the DM+HIMU
component. Thus, even with so differentiated rocks and at so small scale (central Italy), we
find the general trend of the whole Italian peninsula and Sicily derived from the isotopic study
of mafic rocks, which shows a general DM+HIMU mixing plus a crustal-derived endmember.
The influence of the DM+HIMU end-member increases from North to South of
When extended at the scale of the whole Tyrrhenian margin, the PCA allows identifying two
source domains delimitated by a major lithospheric discontinuity, the 41 Parallel Line, and in
which the evolution of the components is different. The northern domain characteristics could
be controlled by a lower lithosphere delamination, whereas in the southern domain they might
be due to the fast slab roll-back. In both domains, the invoked processes would trigger the
upwelling of asthenospheric material.
geochemical variety, covering almost all the magmatic rocks pattern known worldwide. Most
of the geodynamic models are based upon the recent widespread Quaternary volcanism,
comprising mafic to intermediate lavas. In contrast, the felsic magmatism which corresponds
to the first manifestations of the Tyrrhenian margin is much less voluminous, outcrops
without or with few associated mafic-intermediate rocks, and is less known.
The goals of this thesis are: (1) to precise the age of these manifestations, (2) to better
understand the origin of this magmatism (determinating the sources) and, (3) to insert these
constraints in the general framework of the Italian magmatism and the opening of the
Tyrrhenian Sea. A combined geochronological and petro-geochemical study has thus been
carried out on felsic Tuscan edifices (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada and Amiata) and the Ponza
and Palmarola islands (Pontine Archipelago, Campanian area, Gaeta gulf).
Twenty-five K-Ar datings (Cassignol-Gillot technique) have been performed on the
Ponza and Palmarola islands rocks. The beginning of the volcanic activity of Palmarola has
been dated for the first time at 1.64 ± 0.02 Ma; the obtained Quaternary (Pleistocene) age is in
contradiction with the Pliocene age which was proposed on stratigraphical criteria.
Concerning Ponza, a new rhyolites episode had been recovered at 3.1-2.9 Ma. Between
Pliocene and Pleistocene, the volcanism changed from orogenic calc-alkaline in Ponza to a
transitional magmatism in Palmarola whose chemical signature approaches those of intraplate
alkaline magmatism. This occurred in only 1.3 Ma. A petrogenetic model is proposed for the
magma of Ponza and Palmarola from new mineralogical and isotopic data. It implies
fractional crystallization coupled with more or less strong crustal contamination, from
different mantle liquids.
Accurate and reproducible ages have been obtained for the Tuscan Province edifices
(San Vincenzo, Roccastrada and Amiata). New Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic data confirmed the
hybrid character of Monte Amiata volcano in terms of sources, between the Tuscan and the
Roman provinces. Based on our new ages, we propose a new possible scenario for its
volcanological evolution.
The principal component analysis of the lead isotopic data set of all the studied felsic
manifestations has permitted to identify the two main source components at the origin of these
rocks. The dominant component is mantellic and corresponds to a mixing between DM and
HIMU end-members, while the second is an enriched crustal-derived end-member. The
southernmost felsic rocks (Pontine) show the strongest influence of the DM+HIMU
component. Thus, even with so differentiated rocks and at so small scale (central Italy), we
find the general trend of the whole Italian peninsula and Sicily derived from the isotopic study
of mafic rocks, which shows a general DM+HIMU mixing plus a crustal-derived endmember.
The influence of the DM+HIMU end-member increases from North to South of
When extended at the scale of the whole Tyrrhenian margin, the PCA allows identifying two
source domains delimitated by a major lithospheric discontinuity, the 41 Parallel Line, and in
which the evolution of the components is different. The northern domain characteristics could
be controlled by a lower lithosphere delamination, whereas in the southern domain they might
be due to the fast slab roll-back. In both domains, the invoked processes would trigger the
upwelling of asthenospheric material.
Le magmatisme Néogène italien est caractérisé par une grande variété pétrologique et géochimique, couvrant presque entièrement le spectre des roches magmatiques connues dans le monde entier. Le volcanisme récent, Quaternaire, comprenant des laves de composition
basiques et intermédiaires, est à la base de la majorité des modèles géodynamiques. Comparativement, le magmatisme acide, correspondant aux premières manifestations sur la marge Tyrrhénienne est beaucoup pour les édifices de la Province Toscane (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada et Amiata). Pour le volcan de Monte Amiata, de nouvelles données isotopiques Sr-Nd et Pb confirment qu'il est en terme de sources un hybride entre les Province Toscane et Romaine. Nous proposons grâce aux âges obtenus un nouveau scénario pour sa mise en place. L'analyse en composantes principales (ACP) des données isotopiques du Pb de toutes les manifestations acides étudiées dans cette thèse a permis d'identifier les deux composants source à l'origine de ces roches. Le composant le plus important est un pôle mantellique
correspondant à un mélange entre DM et HIMU, tandis que le second, dont le rôle est mineur comparé au premier, est un pôle enrichi de type crustal. Les roches acides les plus au Sud (Pontines) montrent une influence plus forte du composant DM+HIMU. Ainsi, même sur des
roches aussi différenciées et à plus petite échelle (l'Italie centrale), on retrouve la tendance générale propre à l'ensemble de la péninsule Italienne et de la Sicile, dérivée de l'étude isotopique des roches basiques, qui montre un mélange général entre DM et HIMU auquel s'ajoute un composant dérivé de la croûte. L'influence du pôle DM-HIMU est croissante du
Nord au Sud de l'Italie. Etendue à l'échelle de la marge Tyrrhénienne italienne, l'ACP permet d'identifier deux
domaines sources, délimités par une discontinuité lithosphérique majeure de l'Italie centrale, le 41ème Parallèle, dans lesquels les composants évoluent différemment. Les caractéristiques du domaine Nord pourraient être contrôlées par un processus de délamination de la lithosphère inférieure, celles du domaine Sud par un retrait rapide du slab, les deux
phénomènes provoquant une remontée asthénosphérique.
basiques et intermédiaires, est à la base de la majorité des modèles géodynamiques. Comparativement, le magmatisme acide, correspondant aux premières manifestations sur la marge Tyrrhénienne est beaucoup pour les édifices de la Province Toscane (San Vincenzo, Roccastrada et Amiata). Pour le volcan de Monte Amiata, de nouvelles données isotopiques Sr-Nd et Pb confirment qu'il est en terme de sources un hybride entre les Province Toscane et Romaine. Nous proposons grâce aux âges obtenus un nouveau scénario pour sa mise en place. L'analyse en composantes principales (ACP) des données isotopiques du Pb de toutes les manifestations acides étudiées dans cette thèse a permis d'identifier les deux composants source à l'origine de ces roches. Le composant le plus important est un pôle mantellique
correspondant à un mélange entre DM et HIMU, tandis que le second, dont le rôle est mineur comparé au premier, est un pôle enrichi de type crustal. Les roches acides les plus au Sud (Pontines) montrent une influence plus forte du composant DM+HIMU. Ainsi, même sur des
roches aussi différenciées et à plus petite échelle (l'Italie centrale), on retrouve la tendance générale propre à l'ensemble de la péninsule Italienne et de la Sicile, dérivée de l'étude isotopique des roches basiques, qui montre un mélange général entre DM et HIMU auquel s'ajoute un composant dérivé de la croûte. L'influence du pôle DM-HIMU est croissante du
Nord au Sud de l'Italie. Etendue à l'échelle de la marge Tyrrhénienne italienne, l'ACP permet d'identifier deux
domaines sources, délimités par une discontinuité lithosphérique majeure de l'Italie centrale, le 41ème Parallèle, dans lesquels les composants évoluent différemment. Les caractéristiques du domaine Nord pourraient être contrôlées par un processus de délamination de la lithosphère inférieure, celles du domaine Sud par un retrait rapide du slab, les deux
phénomènes provoquant une remontée asthénosphérique.