A unified framework for focal intensity change detection and deformable image registration : application to the monitoring of multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal 3D brain MRI - TEL - Thèses en ligne
Thèse Année : 2023

A unified framework for focal intensity change detection and deformable image registration : application to the monitoring of multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal 3D brain MRI

Cadre unifié pour la détection de changements en IRM cérébrale : application au suivi longitudinal de patients atteints de sclérose en plaques


Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. It is characterized by the presence of evolving lesions and faster-than-normal brain atrophy. In clinical practice, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is preferred for diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. However, visual analysis of longitudinal MRI scans is time-consuming and difficult. Assessing lesion evolution is subjective and prone to high intra- and inter-operator variability. These challenges highlight the need for automated tools to evaluate lesion progression. Conventional approaches for longitudinal brain MRI change detection involve sequentially processing different sources of changes. First, intensity discrepancies caused by radiofrequency bias are corrected. Then, registration is used as a pre-processing step before detecting relevant pathological changes. Deformable registration compensates for geometric distortions due to brain atrophy, but it can cause lesions of interest to appear deformed, reducing detection sensitivity. Rigid and affine registration are usually chosen as they preserve lesions, but anatomical distortions due to brain atrophy lead to false detections. The limitation of sequential approaches arises from the disjointed treatment of registration and change detection. In this article, we consider the interdependence of these processing steps by proposing a unified framework where these sub-problems are jointly solved. We formulate it as the minimization of a cost function that encompasses both registration and change detection. We experimentally demonstrate the benefits of this joint approach compared to its sequential counterpart on synthetic and real data.
La sclérose en plaques est une maladie auto-immune dégénérative du système nerveux central. Leslésions évolutives et l'atrophie cérébrale se développent rapidement. L'IRM est utilisée pour lediagnostic et le suivi, mais son analyse visuelle est subjective et laborieuse. Des outils automatiquessont nécessaires. Les approches classiques corrigent d'abord les anomalies d'intensité, puiseffectuent le recalage et détectent les changements pathologiques. Cependant, le recalagedéformable peut déformer les lésions, réduisant la sensibilité de la détection, tandis que le recalagerigide et affine provoque de fausses détections dues à l'atrophie. Dans cette thèse, nous proposonsun cadre unifié qui résout conjointement le recalage et la détection de changements, montrant son bénéfice par rapport aux approches séquentielles sur des données synthétiques et réelles.
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tel-04272172 , version 1 (06-11-2023)


  • HAL Id : tel-04272172 , version 1


Eléonore Dufresne. A unified framework for focal intensity change detection and deformable image registration : application to the monitoring of multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal 3D brain MRI. Other. Université de Strasbourg, 2023. English. ⟨NNT : 2023STRAD024⟩. ⟨tel-04272172⟩
38 Consultations
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