Representation and acquisition models for expressive rendering
Modeles de representation et d'acquisition pour le rendu expressif
This thesis is structured along three research axes: First, I investigated the representation issues raised by the production of expressive images and animations, (that is to say, introducing the artist/user's expressivity). It led me to propose solutions to practical problems in this domain. Second, I studied the acquisition of low-level notion of styles from user-supplied examples. In particular, I produced aquisition systems working on vector-based as well as bitmap color images. Finally, I have been personally motivated by the fascinating field of human vision and its many links with expressive rendering. Thus, throughout this thesis, I tried to build as many connections as possible between the two fields, hence building a framework where various expressive rendering approaches can be studied in a principled way.
Les travaux que j'ai pu mener durant ma these peuvent etre organises selon trois themes.
Premierement, j'ai etudie les problemes de representation souleves par la production d'images ou d'animations a caractere expressif (c'est a dire introduisant l'expressivite d'un utilisateur/artiste). Cela m'a mene a proposer des solutions a des problemes concrets dans ce domaine. En second lieu, j'ai etudie les methodes d'acquisition de style a partir d'exemples fournis par l'utilisateur/artiste.
En particulier j'ai pu produire des systemes d'acquisition operant sur des images vectorielles ou bitmap. Pour finir, j'ai tente de tisser des liens entre le domaine fascinant de la perception visuelle et les methodes de representation ou d'acquisition, donnant ainsi un cadre d'etude commun a de nombreuses approches de rendu expressif, de prime abord heterogenes.
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_oeil.png (530.27 Ko)
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Format | Figure, Image |
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