Design and Implementation of an Application Specific Multi-Channel Stimulator for Electrokinetically-Driven Microfluidic Devices - TEL - Thèses en ligne
Thèse Année : 2011

Design and Implementation of an Application Specific Multi-Channel Stimulator for Electrokinetically-Driven Microfluidic Devices

Conception et Implémentation d'un Stimulateur Multi-Canal pour les Dispositifs Microfluidiques


This dissertation presents the design and implementation of a 16-channel sinusoidal generator to stimulate microfluidic devices that use electrokinetic forces to manipulate particles. The generator has both, independent frequency and independent amplitude control for each channel. The stimulation system is based upon a CMOS application specific (ASIC) device developed using 0.35μm technology. Several generator techniques were compared based on frequency range, total harmonic distortion (THD), and on-chip area. The best alternative for the microfluidic applications is based in a triangle-to-sine converter and presents a frequency range of 8kHz to 21MHz, an output voltage range of 0V to 3.1VPP , and a maximum THD of 5.11%. The fabricated device, has a foot-print of 1560μm×2030μm. The amplitude of the outputs is extended using an interface card, achieving voltages of 0V to 15VPP . The generator functionality was tested by performing an experimental set-up with particle trapping. The set-up consisted of a mi-cromachined channel with embedded electrodes configured as two electrical ports located at different positions along the channel. By choosing specific amplitude and frequency values from the generator, different particles suspended in a fluid were simultaneously trapped at different ports. The multichannel stimulator presented here can be used in many microfluidic experiments and devices where particle trapping, separation and characterization is desired.
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tel-00662414 , version 1 (24-01-2012)
tel-00662414 , version 2 (11-07-2012)


  • HAL Id : tel-00662414 , version 1


José Isabel Gomez Quiñones. Design and Implementation of an Application Specific Multi-Channel Stimulator for Electrokinetically-Driven Microfluidic Devices. Micro and nanotechnologies/Microelectronics. Université de Grenoble, 2011. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00662414v1⟩
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