The Quest for Formally Secure Compartmentalizing Compilation
Severe low-level vulnerabilities abound in today's computer systems,
allowing cyber-attackers to remotely gain full control. This happens
in big part because our programming languages, compilation chains, and
architectures too often trade off security for efficiency. The semantics
of mainstream low-level languages like C is inherently insecure, and
even for safer languages, all guarantees are lost when interacting
with low-level code, for instance when using low-level libraries.
This habilitation presents my ongoing quest to build formally secure
compartmentalizing compilation chains that defend against such
attacks. In particular, we propose several formal definitions that
characterize what it means for a compartmentalizing compilation chain
to be secure, both in the case of safe and of unsafe source languages.
We start by investigating what it means for a compilation chain to
provide secure interoperability between a safe source language and
linked target-level code that is adversarial. In this model, a secure
compilation chain ensures that even linked adversarial target-level
code cannot break the security properties of a compiled program any
more than some linked source-level code could. However, the precise
class of security properties one chooses to preserve crucially impacts
not only the supported security goals and the strength of the attacker
model, but also the kind of protections the compilation chain has to
introduce and the kind of proof techniques one can use to make sure
that the protections are watertight. We are the first to thoroughly
explore a large space of secure compilation criteria based on the
preservation against adversarial contexts of various classes of trace
properties such as safety, of hyperproperties such as noninterference,
and of relational hyperproperties such as trace equivalence.
We then extend secure compartmentalizing compilation to unsafe
languages like C and C++. We propose a new formal criterion for
secure compilation schemes from such unsafe languages, expressing
end-to-end security guarantees for software components that may become
compromised after encountering undefined behavior---for example, by
accessing an array out of bounds. Our criterion is the first to model
dynamic compromise in a system of mutually distrustful components with
clearly specified privileges. It articulates how each component should
be protected from all the others---in particular, from components that
have encountered undefined behavior and become compromised.
To illustrate this model, we construct a secure compilation chain for
a small unsafe language with buffers, procedures, and components,
targeting a simple abstract machine with built-in compartmentalization.
We give a careful proof (mostly machine-checked in Coq) that this
compiler satisfies our secure compilation criterion. We, moreover,
show that the protection guarantees offered by the compartmentalized
abstract machine can be achieved at the machine-code level using
either software fault isolation or a tag-based reference monitor.
Finally, we discuss the perspectives of scaling such formally secure
compilation to realistic low-level programming languages like C.
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